New Evangelization Programs:

Call the distant,

form disciples,

and send leaders

for the New Evangelization.

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Programs for the New Evangelization



We call them "Programs" because each one contemplates a progressive development, with a proposal adapted according to the characteristics of age, place, socio-cultural situation, and different concerns of those to whom our missionary action is directed.


In this way, step by step, we present the Journey of Faith as an integral life proposal that accompanies people in a gradual and progressive growth in their Christian journey.

Stages of the programs


To people who have not known Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We facilitate ways of approaching the faith that connect with the questions that young people and adults bring. Many respond to the call and join in.


In the faith, both in its contents and in its practical consequences, through participation in the Programs. Tools are given to live and proclaim the faith in the challenging context of the 21st century.


To those who have been called and formed to bear fruit in their work , in their family, in the Church, and in the world in the different areas in which each one feels called.
etapas de los programas sjj

How does a New Evengelization program work?


Each Program has its own convocation activity.


After that , regular meetingsare proposed to those who have responded to the call, where fraternal, prayerful and missionary aspects are combined.


These meetings are held in Parishes or Pastoral Centers.

led by

Each Program is coordinated by a team of lay people in conjunction with priests of the Saint John Society and sisters of the Society of Mary.

"The New Evangelization needs new witnesses, people who have experienced a concrete change in their lives through their encounter with Jesus Christ, and who are capable of transmitting that experience to others.


explore our programs

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San Juan Diego


San Juan Diego is an evangelization program that reaches out to adults in the Hispanic community who have not yet encountered Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. After providing the initial outreach, this program then becomes a school of Christian life for each person, through encouraging faith formation, growth in human virtues, and the development of evangelization skills, so that they become agents of change in their own communities.

"All of us are asked to obey his call to go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the peripheries in need of the light of the Gospel."

papa Francisco, eg 20


Cenaculo Program


Cenaculo program is designed for teenagers in the last two years of high school who wish to mature in their Christian life. It is a space that seeks to strengthen friendships, bring them closer to prayer and encourage the New Evangelization, through a thematic axis: the works of mercy.

It is also a place to rest in Christ and discover Him alive; and thus, learn to love as He teaches.

“The criterion of judgment will be the deeds of mercy that have been done for the least of Jesus’ brothers”

(Mt 25:40)


Fragua Program


It is a program for young university students who have received the proclamation of the Risen Christ and choose to follow him. At the same time, they wish to be formed in a human and Christian way in order to be able to live in today's world and give witness to the Light of Jesus.

The program promotes deep bonds of friendship in faith, moments of personal and common prayer, and evangelization initiatives that make mission a daily experience. Fragua also provides the young people with tools - through monthly training sessions - that are useful for generating the necessary change in their realities, and thus to live more and more each day according to the values of the Gospel.

"University students for Christ, Christians for the world.”

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Academy Program


It is a program for young professionals who, after having walked several years in the faith, are invited to serve in the animation of other Evangelization Programs, through the experience of volunteering.

Thanks to this opportunity, Academy members put their talents at the service of others and the Church.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.”

(Ps 119:105)



adult men

It is a program designed for adult men, which proposes a path of adhesion to Christ, so that each one is able to transform his life according to the values of the Kingdom of God. It reaffirms its participants in their vocation as soldiers of Christ, so that they may be his ambassadors in the modern world.

It is a community space in which prayer is deepened, the appreciation of God's presence in each one's life is deepened and they are taught to read the word of God, in order to be able to incarnate it. It is proposed to them to manifest the divine in the human, in each of the areas of their lives: in their family ties, in their work, and in an apostolate.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit”

(Mt 28:19)


Galilee Program

adult women

It is a program for adult women who seek to prepare themselves to serve and proclaim the Gospel. Through a gradual process, shared in community, they are trained to be able to transform the realities of the environments where they carry out their activities and responsibilities, and to be able to witness to the light of Christ in these environments.

After having a personal experience of the Risen Jesus, the program provides space for deepening: prayer, love for Him and tools for announcing His good news. The Galilee groups are also in charge of various activities of apostolic outreach and works of mercy.

“Then Jesus said to her in reply, “O woman, great is your faith!” 

(Mt 15:28)