"...that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach..."

MARK 3:14

Formation stages for the missionary life

probacion - philosophy - theology

Formation stages for the missionary life


For Christ, with Christ, like Christ

The goal that unifies the various stages and experiences of initial formation is to form men capable of giving their whole life to God within our apostolic society.


The purpose of Probacion is that those who begin formation experience our own style of evangelizing and living the counsels, our spirituality and way of life.


The challenge of the New Evangelization calls for a high level of intellectual formation, so that those in formation are capable of offering the “reason for the hope which is in them.” (1 Peter 3:15)


Our particular mission demands that we be men of formation and formators, capable of understanding what is happening in people's lives and of responding to it in a timely manner.