
Be transformed by the renewal of your mind

Rm 12:1

What is the Theological Academy?

The Theological Academy offers various courses and lectures, most of which are available online. The offerings are designed for anyone who wants to grow spiritually and be formed in the reasons of the faith.



Courses occur quarterly, typically on three or four successive evening sessions, from 6:30–7:45 p.m. PST. Each evening begins with a talk, includes small group discussion time, and concludes with an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the topic presented. Courses will generally be held on Zoom, though occasionally courses may be held in-person at our St. Michael Parish Hall in Portland, Oregon.


Lectures occur twice a year and are typically a stand-alone session. These gatherings typically begin with a 45-minute talk and conclude with a 15-minute Q&A. Lectures are generally held in-person at either St. Michael the Archangel Church in Portland, Oregon, or at the Old River Pastoral Center in West Linn, Oregon.

Please feel free to email us with any questions about the Theological Academy at

Upcoming Courses and Lectures

More information on courses

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To be formed for the mission, is a restlessness that arises from this deep and personal relationship with Jesus. If we want to share the faith, then we must know the faith.

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Each course is taught independently and online. In addition to the private class, support material is provided to deepen the topics covered.

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The courses are prepared
by members of the Saint John Society, the Society of Mary, or qualified teachers in the field.

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Cost will vary from course
to course, but don´t worry,
you can find all the useful information inside each
course description.

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Visit each course page to
find out more about how to register to your desired course.

Recent courses available

Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth.”


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Please feel free to email us with any questions about the Theological Academy at

Saint John Society Catholic Church

We are a Society of Apostolic Life dedicated to the New Evangelization